08 juni 2011

Doble Slice Layer Cake Quilt Tutorial with a charm pack!

Doble Slice Layer Cake Quilt Tutorial

Da jeg så denne øynet jeg håp for symmetrisyken min…

Jeg hadde ingen layer cake,

men en charm pack kjøpt på Daily deal:

Benartex’ Triple Dyed Classic Bali Batik.

Langt fra perfekt, men så scrappy har jeg aldri vært!


Seeing this tutorial from Jenny Doan I dared get my hopes up

for my symmetrical Syndrom…

I had no layer cake but a charm pack bought at Missouri

( Daily Deal ) : Benartex Triple Dyed Classic Bali Batik.

It is far from perfect but this is definately

by far the most scrappy I have ever been!

quilt slice charm

Hvordan quilte dette tro..?

How to quilt this…


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