16 juni 2010

I’m bagging… ;) Again…

Da jeg laget dåpsquilt ble det litt problemer med den ene pakken med stoffark for printer, – så da fikk jeg luksusproblemet flere motivstoff.

Tre av dem er så langt festet til hhv skopose, klinkekulepose og telyspose.

shoebag 001

Tutorial for the basic bag can be found HERE

marbles bag 001

Tutorial somewhat like I made this one can be found HERE

telyspose 013

telyspose 012

This one is a basic model but I adorned it with some gorgeous lace, – pressie for my sweet sis’ in law.

telysposeNea 001

This one is going to Trondheim of course!

Spoonflower-swatch the printed imaged.

telysposeNea 003


Jeg lager maaaange skoposer, – her er det som skal pynte dem:

I’m making MANY shoebags, – here are some images that will be decorating them:



skopose gutta

Uten navn

Images and quotes found googling and then manipulated and played around with.

I’ll add as I make!

skopose per 001

For my kind brother in law this one.

skopose Linda 005

For my DD.

skoposer Berit og Nanna 002


Lined shoebag 008

For her eldest son, Nicholas!

Bens 005

For her youngest son, Benjamin!

skoposer Berit og Nanna 001

For Linnea’s mamma.

THs 001

For Linnea’s daddy – my youngest son

Marcus shoebag 002

For Linnea’s big brother Marcus!

juni 001

For Isabella


Jeg prøver noe nytt for meg mens jeg lager en heeelt spesiell bag, – dette er to bilder av ting gjort så langt…

I’m looking into making a VERRA special tote too,

- this is a couple of images so far…


celtic 002

Som jeg elsker å sy!!

I DO love sewing!!

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