31 mai 2009

Shorts falling short of perfection…

shorts Nic

Da jeg sydde sammen Nics shorts gjorde jeg en kjempetabbe…

Jeg presterte å sy slittene ikke nederst på lårene, men oppe i midja.. Sta som jeg er snudde jeg arbeidet og sydde dem på rett side, gjorde så alt ferdig og klødde meg i hodet: nå hadde jeg ingen løpegang for elastikk, men 2 hakk… HJELP!

Heldigvis visste Pandora i Sykroken råd, – og lykkeligvis hadde jeg en liten bit til av det stoffet, – utenom shortsdelene til Marcus! ;)

Så da klippet jeg brutalt av toppen på shortsen, laget en ny linning for strikk vha skjøting, dampet og strøk og sydde den på.

ny linning

Og her er strikket tredd i! :D

nic short final

Begge ferdige!

Both done!

Nic & Marc shorts

shorts at the back

Optisk bedrag… ;)

Optical illusion… ;)

Sewing together nic’s shorts I made a major blunder…

I managed to sew the slits not onto the thighparts but instead at the waist.. I’m so stubborn I just turned it over and did it correctly and then went right ahead and finished the thing up,

– after which I scratched my head: no casing but instead 2 slots… HELP!

Luckily Pandora at Sykroken knew what to do, – and fortunately I had a small patch of the fabric left, – apart from Marcus’ shortsparts! ;)

So I chopped the finished top off brutally, made a new lining for the elastic waist band, steam ironed and attached it.

The elastic in it’s rightful place! :D

Marcus’ next!



Bed in Summer
by Robert Louis Stevenson

In winter I get up at night
And dress by yellow candle-light.
In summer quite the other way,
I have to go to bed by day.

I have to go to bed and see
The birds still hopping on the tree,
Or hear the grown-up people's feet
Still going past me in the street.

And does it not seem hard to you,
When all the sky is clear and blue,
And I should like so much to play,
To have to go to bed by day?


At the Sea-Side
by Robert Louis Stevenson

When I was down beside the sea
A wooden spade they gave to me
To dig the sandy shore.

My holes were empty like a cup.
In every hole the sea came up,
Till it could come no more.


by Elaine Goodale

For stately trees in rich array,
For sunlight all the happy day,
For blossoms radiant and rare,
For skies when daylight closes,
For joyous, clear, outpouring song
From birds that all the green wood throng,
For all things young, and bright, and fair,
We praise thee, Month of Roses!

For blue, blue skies of summer calm,
For fragrant odors breathing balm,
For quiet, cooling shades where oft
The weary head reposes,
For brooklets babbling thro' the fields
Where Earth her choicest treasures yields,
For all things tender, sweet and soft,
We love thee, Month of Roses!


Where Go the Boats?
by Robert Louis Stevenson

Dark brown is the river,
Golden is the sand,
It flows along forever,
With trees on either hand.

Green leaves a-floating,
Castles of the foam,
Boats of mine a-boating -
Where will all come home?

On goes the river
And out past the mill,
Away down the valley,
Away down the hill;

Away down the river,
A hundred miles or more;
Other little children
Shall bring my boats ashore.


Rain in Summer
by Henry W. Longfellow

How beautiful is the rain!
After the dust and heat,
In the broad and fiery street,
In the narrow lane,
How beautiful is the rain!

How it clatters along the roofs,
Like the tramp of hoofs!
How it gushes and struggles out
From the throat of the overflowing spout!

Across the window pane
It pours and pours;
And swift and wide,
With a muddy tide,
Like a river down the gutter roars
The rain, the welcome rain!



In the country, on every side,
Where far and wide,
Like a leopard's tawny and spotted hide,
Stretches the plain,
To the dry grass and the drier grain
How welcome is the rain!


Midsummer Joys
by Winifred Sackville Stoner, Jr.

Give me the joys of summer,
Of SUMMER QUEEN so fair,
With wealth of lovely flowers
And fruits and sun-kissed air!

Talk not to me of winter
With ice and frost and snow,
Nor changing spring and autumn
When howling winds will blow.

No, I will take the joys
Of SUMMER every time,
So to this Queen of Seasons
I dedicate my rhyme.


Min datters eldste sønn

My daughter's oldest son

Nicholas Mathias, 1 – 5 år/years old.

Født/born 29. juni/29th of June 2002.

30 mai 2009

Licence to kill…

Under sying av shortser til Knoll og Tott ( dvs Nicholas og Marcus, begge 2002-modeller ) slo Anemone ( min Janome S 521 De Luxe ) seg plutselig vrang. Ingen godsnakking og endring av spenninger etc hjalp.

Ok, av med sømplata… Grøss og gru!

Er et mirakel at hun har villet sy såpass lenge…

Hun kom hit medio februar.



Etter fjerning av hybelkaninene i det arme spolehuset har jeg forsøkt å sy igjen, men hun er veldig fornærma over mangel på kjærlig omsorg og vil ikke fortsatt. Jeg må nok skru opp igjen og ta en enda nøyere gransking på jakt etter mulige rømlinger..

Så etablert som de virket er de kanskje mer utviklet enn jeg trodde? Som datteren min sier om slike ( jeg tror nok hun har arvet min mangel på husmorgener ): de kan ha utviklet en høyere form for liv med mulig bruk av språk og redskap, samfunn med klare regler etc… Da ligger jeg vel tynt an…

Redigert: NÅ er alt bare bra igjen! Hurra!

During my attempts at sewing shorts for Knoll and Tott (Katzenjammer Kids, i.e. Nicholas and Marcus, both from the 2002-edition ) Anemone ( my Janome S521 De Luxe ) suddenly decided to call it a day.. No sweet talking nor adjusting of tension could remedy this…

OK, – so I removed the bobbinhouse lid…

Yikes and then some!

It is actually a miracle that she has been working this long…

She arrived here in the middle of February.

After removing the bobbinbunnies in the poor bobbinhouse I have tried sewing again but she is still deeply put out over the lack of TLC and will not cooperate. I will have to open her up again for a new scrutiny and a hunt for possible fugitives…

As established as they seemed they may be more developed than I thought? As my daughter has said about the likes of these ( I guess she inherrited my lack of household genes.. ) : They may have evolved into a higher form of life with a possible use of both tools and language, a society with defined rules etc..

In that case I guess I’m in for it…

Edited: NOW all is right with the world again! Hurrah!

29 mai 2009



Da har mormor sydd ferdig nytt antrekk til vesle Benjamin som er så søt som en karamell! Han kler veldig godt lysegrått, så da var det kjekt at jeg hadde akkurat nok igjen av Polar-fleecen fra S&S når den ble mikset med nyinnkjøpt fleece med biler på!

Mønsteret er fra “Blødt Børnetøj”, – forøvrig. Litt modifisert iom at mammaen syntes “genser” med så urolig stoff ble litt mye. Egentlig skal nedre tverrstykke foran gå opp til omtrent armhulene. Neste gang vil jeg nok sy ned kragen til vrangsiden “i hånden” som danskene sier – ble en litt kraftig fure av maskinsømmen..

Boka er dessverre utsolgt fra forlaget, men satser på at våre danske venner trykker opp mer!

Bens outfit Bens outfit at the back

zipper close up

zipper opened

Det kan jo være kjølige sommerkvelder her i midnattsolens land!

And now grandma has finished a new outfit for Benjamin who is as cute as toffee! Light grey really becomes him and so it was very fortunate that I had just enough left of the polar-fleece from S&S when mixed with the recent purchase of a fleece with cool cars!

The pattern is from “Blødt Børnetøj”, – btw A bit modified as his mamma found that such a busy fabric would be over the top in a sweater. Originally the lower front panel is supposed to reach as high as the armpits or thereabout. Next time around I’ll sew the collar down with hand seam as suggested by the designers in the book, – the machine did make a rather conspicuous groove…

Sadly the book is out of print at the moment but I feel certain that our Danish friends will reprint!

It can be nippy in the evening here in the land of the midnight sun!

Utfordring fra søt sykroker…



…nemlig manja, – bloggen hennes er HER


"Du som blir utmanad skall (denna text får kopieras):Tipsa om ett sömnadstillbehör, t.ex. tyger, saxar, snedslå, symaskiner, knappar, trådar, pressarfötter osv.. Det kan vara något som är mycket prisvärt, bra kvalitet eller något hjälptillbehör som du tycker är väldigt bra samt varför. Man får också gärna berätta var man får tag på saken. Har du mer än en sak som du vill berätta om så går det givetvis bra.Sen kan ytterligare (om du vill) dela med dig ett tips när det gäller sömnad, ett praktiskt tips. Det behöver inte vara något avancerat (med massa bilder), bara ett litet tips.När du svarat på frågorna så skall du skicka vidare utmaningen till 4 stycken nya personer med sömnad som hobby. Du skall meddela personen att du utmanat denne samt länka till personens blogg."

Spretteknivene mine er uunnværlige!

spretteknivene mine

Og så har jeg lært på den harde måten hvor fort gjort det er å glemme at f.eks. 2 utklipte hettebiter, buksebein, kosedyr

- være speilvendte.

Har du bredt nok stoff så brett det dobbelt og nål sammen, tegn opp og klipp ut. Eva Mari-sikkert! Jepp…


Challenge from a cute sykroker

- that is manja, – see link to blog above

( member of the crafts forum Sykroken )


“You who are challenged shall ( copy text ): give a tip about sewing gear, - as in fabrics, scissors, bias tape, sewing machines, buttons, threads, presser foots etc

It can be something with great value for money, excellent quality or some supplement you think is really good and the reasons why. In addition info as to where to get this.

If you have more than one item it is of course ok.

In addition ( if you want to ) you can share a tip about sewing in general, something practical. It doesn’t have to be something lavish with lots of pictures, just a little tip.

When you have answered the challenge pass it on to 4 new people with this hobby.

Inform them and link to their blogs.”

My seam rippers are indispensable!

And I have learned the hard way how easily it is forgotten that

e.g. parts of a hood, legs of pants, stuffed animals

- has to be mirrored.

If your fabric is wide enough then fold it, needle it with pins, draw the pattern and cut. Eva Mari-proof! Yup…

28 mai 2009

For my sister of the heart, beloved Sue..

Alexander Rybak og haterne…


En ung mann med et stort talent har nettopp gledet de fleste av oss med å være utrolig naturlig, blid og entusiastisk, - og det under et stort press fra mange som vil ha en bit av ham, publikum som presse.

Han vant Eurovision Song Contest og gir ut ei plate som er full av virkelig god musikk, – etter min mening.

Terningkast 6 i VG, - mens Dagbladet er vaksinert mot å gå over en 4’er uansett, i alle fall om det er noe “folkelig”..

På debattforum skal han derfor nå høvles ned slik at ingen og aller minst hovedpersonen selv skal føle at han er jo kjempeflink!

Det tåles ikke av janteloven og en endeløs rekke av troll med pc og internett-tilgang. Hatet eter dem opp innenfra, men sårer selvsagt underveis de som faktisk kjenner ham og er glad i ham.

Dette er for meg like ufattelig som hærverk på eiendom, men langt verre iom at dette er et menneske med følelser som alle andre. Hva er det som driver dem? Utilfredshet med eget liv?

Ingen forventer at alle liker det samme, – men hvor kommer dette innbitte hatet fra? Han må ikke lykkes, – det er ikke nok at stemme og instrumentbeherskelse dømmes nord og ned i seg selv, – nei – : Han er stygg, klærne håpløse, han smiler for mye, han er for søt osv osv

Dette er faktisk et ordtak selv den mest forvorpne burde fatte:

En blir ikke hvitere av å sverte andre.

Lykke til videre, Alexander! Stå på!

Alexander Rybak, Myspace

Alexander Rybak and the haters

A young man with an enormous talent has just rejoiced most of us by being incredibly down to earth, cheerful and enthusiastic, - and this in the middle of severe pressure from so many wanting a part of him, the audience as well as the press.

He won the Eurovision Song Contest and is releasing a CD filled with truly wonderful music,

- in my opinion.

( The two main tabloids differ in their opinions )

Top marks from the most popular paper, - while the brainy one as usual cannot go any higher than 4 out of 6, - as always when things are deemed too main street..

So on boards all over here he now simply has to be cut down to size so that nobody and not least the main man himself should get the notion that he is great and accomplished!

That will of course not do according to the law of Jante and an endless parade of trolls with computers and internet-access.

The Jante Law

(a concept created by the Norwegian/Danish author Aksel Sandemose

in his novel A fugitive crosses his tracks

There are ten different rules in the law, but they are all variations on a single theme and are usually referred to as a homogeneous unit: Don't think you're anyone special or that you're better than us!

  1. Don't think that you are special.
  2. Don't think that you are of the same standing as us.
  3. Don't think that you are smarter than us.
  4. Don't fancy yourself as being better than us.
  5. Don't think that you know more than us.
  6. Don't think that you are more important than us.
  7. Don't think that you are good at anything.
  8. Don't laugh at us.
  9. Don't think that anyone of us cares about you.
  10. Don't think that you can teach us anything.

Further in the book: 11. Don't think that there is something we don't know about you.

Hatred is eating away at them from within but at the same time hurting the ones actually knowing and loving him.

This to me is just as incomprehensible as vandalism but far worse as this harms a human being with emotions like anyone else. What brings them to do this? That they are unhappy about their own lives?

Nobody expects everybody to have the same taste, - but where does this ardent hate originate? He must not succeed, - and it does not suffice that vocals and proficiency as a musician is doomed down in the pits, - oh no! He is ugly, has no fashion sense, smiles too much, is too cute etc and so on..

This is a proverb with a message even the most depraved should get:

Tarring others will not whitewash you.

Best of luck, Alexander! Follow your dreams!

27 mai 2009

“The color purple”…


..ikke bare en fantastisk bok og en uforglemmelig film, – men også den eneste fargen Christiania fullt ut godkjenner ved siden av

hvitt og svart.

Men mørk må den være!!

Så her er empirekjolen i viscosejersey sans ribbons at the moment, men de kommer. Og uten kan det være både strapless kjole og skjørt!

smock dress

Takk for all oppmuntring underveis! :D

Lenker til tips:


Kuky Ideas

The House on  Hillroad

Made by Maya

The Color Purple..

….not just an amazing book and an unforgettable movie – but also the only color fully approved by Christiania

next to black and white.

But it has to be dark!!

So here is the empire style dress in viscose jersey sans ribbons at the moment but they will be added. And without it can be both a strapless dress and a skirt!

Thank you so much for all the encouragement! :D

Great links:

(see above)

26 mai 2009

Rynkesøm/smock/shirring/vaffel etc

lilla rose

A rose by any name…

Vel, denne er temmelig full av torner, dessverre.

Men jeg gir meg ikke!

Kjøpte elastisk undertråd på Stof2000 under Danmarksturen, noen kaller det spolestrikk.

Vel hjemme fant jeg fram en tråd om nettopp slikt inne i Sykroken og prøvde meg fram. Ikke enkelt. Hverken oppspoling på maskin eller med hånd ga ønsket stramhet. Sydde og prøvde ut ulik spenning etc etc Ikke enkelt dette.. Spolte så opp på nytt med maskin og hysterisk stramt. Da ble det som det skulle!

Sydde så hhv prøvekluter i stumt stoff og i viscosejersey’n som skal bli kjole til Nanna. Lovende.

I dag har jeg sydd sammen, lagt opp og startet rynking.

Alt gikk swimmingly helt til jeg gikk tom for strikk i underspolen. Spolte opp ny og fortsatte fom litt innpå gammelstrikken. Først gikk det fint, – så ble det full katastrofe. Hadde nok ikke blitt stramt nok og massevis av krøll. Har nå plukket opp alt, men vegrer meg litt for å fortsette, – så da blogger jeg imens!

smock test

so far


Kommer fhv sterkere tilbake! ;)


Nyt latte’n din, lillepooh! ;)

Wrinkled seam/smock/shirring/waffle etc

A rose by any name..

Well, this one is rather thorny, unfortunately..

But I will not give in!

I bought elastic thread at Stof2000 during our trip to Denmark.

Well back home again I found a thread at Sykroken about just this kind of seam and had a go. Not easy.

Neither machinewinding nor handwinding achieved the wanted tautness. I tried sewing , adjusting the tension etc aso

So not easy this…

Machinewinding once more and this time hysterically tight..!

Now it worked!

Tested it some more on different patches of fabrics, both cotton and the viscose jersey I would use for Nanna’s dress.

Very promising!

Today I have sewn the dress together, hemmed it and started shirring. It all went swimmingly until I ran out of elastic thread on my bobbin. Rewinded and started sewing a bit back on the old seam. Everything seemed fine – then disaster struck! I had not achieved the correct tautness and it was a bungled up mess.

I have now painstakingly removed the flawed seam but I do feel a bit apprehensive, – so I’ll just blog a bit in the meantime!

Hopefully I’ll return and do better! ;)

Enjoy your latte, lillepooh! ;)

( She is a friend and my partner in crime at Sykroken, - we do occasionally ramble on… lol )

24 mai 2009

Darling buds of May..


"The year's at the spring,
And day's at the morn;
Morning's at seven;
The hill-side's dew-pearled;
The lark's on the wing;
The snail's on the thorn;
God's in his Heaven—
All's right with the world!"
- Robert Browning, The Year's at the Spring


"Now the bright morning-star, Day’s harbinger,
Comes dancing from the East, and leads with her
The flowery May, who from her green lap throws
The yellow cowslip and the pale primrose.
Hail, bounteous May, that dost inspire
Mirth, and youth, and warm desire!
Woods and groves are of thy dressing;
Hill and dale doth boast thy blessing.
Thus we salute thee with our early song,
And welcome thee, and wish thee long."
- John Milton, Song on a May Morning, 1660


"It was such a spring day as breathes into a man an ineffable yearning, a painful sweetness, a longing
that makes him stand motionless, looking at the leaves or grass, and fling out his arms to embrace
he knows not what."
- John Galsworthy


"What is so sweet and dear
As a prosperous morn in May,
The confidant prime of the day,
And the dauntless youth of the year,
When nothing that asks for bliss,
Asking aright, is denied,
And half of the world a bridegroom is
And half of the world a bride?"
- Sir William Watson, Ode in May


"Daughter of heaven and earth, coy Spring,
With sudden passion languishing,
Teaching barren moors to smile,
Painting pictures mile on mile,
Holds a cup of cowslip wreaths
Whence a smokeless incense breathes."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson, May Day


"If you've never been thrilled to the very edges of your soul by a flower in spring bloom,
maybe your soul has never been in bloom."
- Audra Foveo

19 mai 2009

Live arrival at Rygge…

Turen gikk kjempebra, – London neste? LOL

The trip went great, – London next? LOL

17.mai!! OG flytur dagen derpå…

Bilde 117

På vei hjem


kos med Nea Bilder 17 mai 2009 013

Bilde 124


18.mai 2009 og retur til Rygge og ekstra 17. med kake mm

DSC00268 DSC00267

DSC00277 DSC00290DSC00299



17th of May!! AND flying home the day after…

18th of May returning to Rygge and an extra 17th with cake etc